Fengxin Li

I am a forth-year PhD candidate at Renmin University of China, supervised by Prof. Jun He from Renmin University of China and Prof. Hongyan Liu from Tsinghua University. I received B.E. degree (2017) from Jilin University, China, supervised by A. Prof. Xiaosong Han

I'm actively seeking internship opportunities that align with my research interests. If you know of any openings or have recommendations, I'd greatly appreciate your input.

My areas of focus include recommendation system, data mining, and AI-generated content.


Cross-Domain Recommednation

CausalCDR: Causal Embedding Learning for Cross-domain Recommendation. [Paper]
Fengxin Li, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Xiaoyong Du.
Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM). Working Paper.

Diffusion Alignment for Cross-Domain Recommendation. [Under review]
Working Paper.

Debiased Estimation for Cross-Domain Cold Start Recommendation. [Under review]
Working Paper.

A Survey of Cross-Domain Recommendation. [Under review]
Survey Paper.

Multi-Media Data Mining

PoseRec: 3D Human Pose Driven Online Advertisement Recommendation for Micro-videos. [Paper]
Zhaoxin Fan, Fengxin Li, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Xiaoyong Du.
ICMR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. Working Paper.

Offline Reinforcement Learning via Conservative Smoothing and Dynamics Controlling. [Under review]
Working Paper.

Meta-Learning Empowered Meta-Face: Personalized Speaking Style Adaptation for Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face Animation. [Under review]
Working Paper.


B. E. in Software Engineering, 2017-2021, Jilin University .

Ph.D condidate in Technology for computer applications, 2021-, Renmin University of China .

Honors and Awards

2024.05 Tencent Rhino-bird Research Elite Program.

2023.10 The Second Prize Academic Scholarship.

2022.10 The First Prize Academic Scholarship.

2021.10 The First Prize Academic Scholarship.

2020.10 The National Scholarship.

2020.05 The CASC Scholarship.

2019.10 The National Scholarship.

2019.05 The Qihu 360 Scholarship.


Beijing Sankuai Online Technology Co., Ltd (Meituan), Algorithm Intern, Jan. 2024 -- Jun. 2024.

Tencent Lnc., Algorithm Intern, Jun. 2024 to present.


Journal Reviewer

Reviewer for Information & Management.

Reviewer for IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (IEEE OJ-CS).

Conference Reviewer

Reviewer for Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD).

Reviewer for International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR).

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